5 Ways Mobile Apps Can Benefit Your Business

With 3.5 billion people using smartphones worldwide, the mobile app industry is thriving. Last year, mobile applications alone were downloaded over ​200 billion times​.

Many small and medium-sized businesses make the mistake of thinking that mobile apps, let alone custom software, are solely for enterprises. If yours is among them, you should be encouraged to take a big step forward. In the past few years, more and more SMBs have been discovering the benefits of leveraging mobile applications. For these businesses, the worries about initial costs soon give way to the understanding of an impressive ROI.

1. Providing Higher Visibility 

An average American adult ​spends almost three hours a day using a smartphone​. Even if using a mobile app takes up a small fraction of this time, its presence alone on the mobile device increases your company’s visibility. When using their smartphones, users notice your app, cementing brand awareness efforts and possibly even enticing them to begin taking steps down the sales funnel.

2. Improving Customer Experience 

person looking through mobile apps

If customer experience is on the agenda for your business, a mobile app can expand your efforts. While ​using a desktop website​ may be beneficial for some customers, an app can provide a much more personalized experience. What may take minutes to do on a website can take seconds to do inside of an app.

With a flexible mobile application, you can focus on improving the interaction with users, offering them a variety of valuable options. Direct access to your brand through a single click enhances user experience and boosts your retention efforts. For example, push notifications can ​increase the user retention rate​ by as much as 180%.

3. Receiving Valuable Feedback  

A mobile app can help you receive valuable feedback from the customers who use it. This not only includes collecting feedback about what’s important to your customers as it relates to the products and services you provide, but also important feedback about your customers’ buying behavior.

4. Establishing a Direct Marketing Channel 

The ability to interact with your customers at any time and any where allows you to establish an efficient marketing channel. You don’t need to struggle to create catchy emails, or reach out to clients through social media if you leverage an app to give the information to the customer directly in the most personalized manner. Direct interaction allows you to boost your marketing efforts with app users.

5. Improving Customer Engagement 

If a customer is unhappy with your service, picking up the phone to call you is the least likely scenario. They may decide to write an email or fill out a contact form on the website. However, in many cases, unhappy customers simply leave and never come back. An app gives them a direct line of communication to contact you immediately by pushing a button on their smartphones.

The Takeaway 

A mobile app stopped being a nice addition to your business operations. For many companies, it became an integral part of the revenue-generating process.

By taking advantage of a flexible mobile application built by The Provato Group, your business can achieve new heights in customer satisfaction, brand awareness, and customer experience.

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