Cloud Strategy

Interested in cloud solutions, but not sure where to start? Our team can help you develop a cloud strategy to chart your path to the cloud.

Why Cloud?

Cloud Icon with Chess PiecesThere are many advantages of adopting cloud computing including flexibility, scalability and cost-effectiveness. On premise models require large capital expenditures, and an experienced staff to put in place and manage. An account with a cloud provider such as Microsoft Azure eliminates much of that overhead. Also, you can reduce computing waste with a scale on demand model. Adopting the cloud has benefits for businesses of all sizes and should be the default standard in most situations.

Cloud Strategy

Your first step to the cloud could be a simple website, migrating a legacy application or simply leveraging remote storage. Most organizations start small and build to larger initiatives. Cloud providers such as Microsoft Azure make standing up new environments quite easy, but it is important to have a plan in place before diving in. Our team can ensure that your first cloud experience is successful and provides the foundation for future solutions. Whether your need is a full cloud strategy, or just some directional guidance, having a plan will go a long way in ensuring you maintain your chosen path.

Cloud Audits

Maybe you have already tried your hand with the cloud and had some success, but you are not quite sure where you stand? Without proper internal controls it is very easy to lose sight of cloud activities across your organization. Staff turnover and unmanaged ownership models can lead to cloud system sprawl and high monthly fees. The Provato Group can assist you with a Cloud Audit to identify where your cost is being incurred and what you can do to reduce your spend. The cloud is a great tool and easy to use, but also can easy grow out of control if not properly managed. Without at least a basic cloud strategy many organizations will struggle with this problem.

Cloud Governance

A cloud governance model is a critical component for larger IT organizations. With no systems and controls in place, your cloud environment and costs can grow out of control. Identifying a central point of control and establishing processes and standards can go a long way in controlling cost. Our Cloud Services team can help you put in place the controls necessary to ensure effective and efficient cloud computing.

Microsoft Azure Cloud Solutions

The Provato Difference

The Provato Group recognizes that each organization is different, and your cloud requirements are unique to you. We will not shove a square peg in a round hole by providing you with preconfigured solutions. We are a Microsoft Gold Cloud Platform partner that will deliver a solution that is cost-effective and efficient to meet your specific needs.